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Naked Tantric Massage-1 Hour

An ancient sensual form of connection between you and our talented instructors to awaken and release

  • 1 hour
  • 175 US dollars

Service Description

NO SAME DAY BOOKINGS! Please book at least 24 hours in advance or you may be asked to reschedule. Duration: One hour (up to two hours for intake before and conversation afterward). Studio Only A sensual tantric massage is a deeply intimate experience that focuses on creating a profound connection between the mind, body, and spirit of two people. It is designed to enhance sensuality, pleasure, and spiritual awareness. The environment is carefully curated to foster relaxation and comfort. Breathwork and Connection: Throughout the massage, synchronized breathing is encouraged to deepen the connection between the giver and receiver. This enhances the flow of energy and intensifies the overall experience. Communication and Connection: Clear communication is established between the giver and receiver before the massage begins. Both parties openly express their boundaries, desires, and intentions. The massage starts with a moment of connection. The Massage Ritual: Full Body Massage: The massage begins with slow, rhythmic strokes over the entire body. This initial phase aims to relax the muscles and bring the receiver into a state of profound peace. Energetic Awareness: The giver pays attention to the recipient's energy, using gentle touch to awaken and circulate the body's life force. This may involve light touches, feather-like strokes, and the use of various techniques to heighten sensory perception. Sensual Stimulation: As the massage progresses, the focus turns towards the erogenous zones of the body. The giver employs sensual techniques to arouse and stimulate these areas. Lingam (Penis) Massage: The massage may include special attention to the genital area. Lingam massage is performed with utmost care and reverence. The intention is to channel and spread sexual energy throughout the body rather than focusing solely on orgasm. Aftercare and Integration: After the massage, both individuals take time to rest and integrate the experience. This may involve lying together, gentle touch, or sharing thoughts and feelings. Hydration is encouraged to replenish the body's energy. It's crucial to approach a sensual tantric massage with respect, mindfulness, and consent. The experience is about more than physical pleasure; it aims to create a sacred and transcendent connection between the individuals involved.

Cancel or reschedule from your member portal under 'Manage My Bookings'. Must notify us by email to receive a credit for any cancelation.

Be aware of our no-refund cancellation policy for appointments canceled less than 24 hours in advance. This policy ensures fairness to both clients and therapists, allowing us to uphold the highest standard of service. Kindly notify us promptly of any scheduling changes. Your cooperation enables us to provide exceptional care to all clients. Contact us with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely, Naked Warrior Yoga (323) 306-2074

Contact Details


    8206 Santa Monica Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90046, USA

    ‪(323) 306-2074‬

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